Monday, September 29, 2014

Spotlight On: Alexa Pavliuc

This is the next installment in a fresh series of "Spotlight On" profiles that aims to share the exciting work and efforts of young Ukrainian-Canadian leaders today, and how their work is shaping the future of our community. From the arts to academia, there are many exciting conversations and events happening around us that should be celebrated and promoted. There is much to be learned from their fresh perspectives on a variety of topics, and we ask that you please take a moment to support their efforts by spreading their messages, sharing events and info, and perhaps getting involved yourself!

Alexa Pavliuc loves to create. Painting, pysanky, printmaking - she does it all and a lot more. A ‘podruha’ of the hurtok “Мухомори” at Plast, dancer in Arkan, second-year Ryerson Communications (and Physics!) student, and concert photographer for music website, I was lucky to catch a few minutes with her to chat about what she’s up to next!

Alexa is the artist behind “Rynok Square” - a beautiful and intricate 4-piece watercolour depicting Lviv’s famous Ploscha Rynok. It is a city square of galleries, cafes, kiosks, and cafes in downtown Lviv. With its vibrant mix of people, buildings, churches, hotels and storefronts, it serves as the cultural heart of Lviv, and arguably the cultural heart of Ukraine.
"Rynok Square" (watercolour & ink) by Alexa Pavliuc
"Rynok Square" (watercolour & ink) by Alexa Pavliuc

Friday, September 26, 2014

Фінансовий Коментар - Чи Росія попаде в щелепи Китаю

Росія йде на Схід

Протягом деякого часу розмови про те, що Росія в кінцевому рахунку попаде в щелепи Китаю звучали як щось із розряду теорій змови. А зараз новини, які надходять з достовірних джерел, починають доводити, що подібні прогнози не є фантастикою. Останній етап санкцій з боку США та Європейського Союзу фактично відрізали будь західне фінансування для російських компаній. В результаті, фінансові зв'язки Росії з Китаєм значно збільшилися.

Згідно Bloomberg, торги юань-рубль на Московській біржі підскочили цього року в 10 разів до $749 млн у серпні. Ця торгівля поки що не йде у порівняння з торгами долар-рубль на суму $367 млрд. в тому ж місяці. Тим не менш, Bloomberg наводить приклад компанії Спортмастер, найбільшого в Росії продавця спортивних товарів, який в даний час здійснює 20% своїх китайських контрактів в юанях і планує збільшити цю частку до 70% протягом трьох років.
Китай також вийшов на сцену в якості основного джерела фінансування для Росії і намагається вичавити максимум з цього шансу. Через перспективу втрати європейського ринку газу російський Газпром у травні 2014 року підписав контракт на 30 років з Китайською національною нафтогазовою корпорацією на поставку 38 млрд кубометрів газу на рік.

Побудова трубопроводу "Сила Сибіру", на яку потрібно в $25 млрд. ( почалася у вересні. Газпром планував отримати ці гроші з Китаю в якості авансу. Тепер китайський аванс для трубопроводу "призупинено" - Китай, мабуть, намагається або отримати більш низьку ціну на газ або більш вигідні умови для своїх виробників труб, або і те, і те. Витрати на розробку родовищ і та побудову газопроводу відтак може взяти на себе російський державний бюджет. Такий розвиток подій прокладає шлях для більш глибокого залучення Китая в російську економіку на не зовсім вигідних для Росії умовах.
Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Financial Comment - Chinese Jaws Opening for Russia?

Russia goes East

For some time, all the talk that Russia’s destiny is to end up in China’s jaws sounded like something out of conspiracy theorists’ playbooks. Now, the news flow coming from reliable sources is starting to prove this kind of forecasts. The latest round of sanctions from both the U.S. and the European Union has effectively cut off any kind of financing from the Western hemisphere for Russian companies. As a result, Russia’s financial ties with China have grown exponentially.

According to Bloomberg, the yuan-ruble trade on the Moscow Exchange has jumped 10-fold this year to $749 million in August. This trade is still no match for $367 billion in dollar-for-ruble sales in the same month. However, Bloomberg provides an example of Sportsmaster, Russia's largest retailer of sporting goods, which currently settles 20% of its Chinese contracts in yuan and plans to raise this number to 70% within three years.

China has also entered the scene as the major source of financing for Russia and is trying to squeeze the most out of this chance. Facing the threat of being shut out of the European market for the long term, Russia’s natural gas monopolist Gazprom signed a 30-year contract with China National Petroleum Corporation in May 2014 to supply 38 billion cubic metres of gas annually. The development of the “Power of Siberia” pipeline, which is estimated at $25 billion ( started this September. Gazprom planned to get this money from China as an advance. Now, the Chinese advance for the pipeline is “suspended” – China is apparently trying either to get a lower gas price or better deals for its pipe makers, or both. The cost of the development could thus be picked up by Russian taxpayers. Such developments pave the way for deeper involvement of China in the Russian economy on less than favorable terms for Russia.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Transitions: How to Network Effectively

To view this poster in a larger size, click on the image
FREE networking workshop

St Vladimir Institute is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the second Youth Development Workshop on  October 2, 2014 titled "Transitions: How to Network Effectively”. Panel participants will be Andy Semotiuk, John Koshyk, Orest Sushko, Eugene Roman, Marc Marzotto, with moderator, Taras Hetmanchuk. 

Presented by SUSK. and UCPBA (Toronto), in cooperation with Ukrainians on Bay St., sponsored by Ukrainian Credit Union Limited and New Pathway. Reception with light refreshments to start at 6:30pm, workshop at 7:30pm, with open discussion to follow, at SVI, 620 Spadina Ave. Students and youth of all ages, as well as any persons (parents) interested in youth development from the general community, invited to attend. No admission fee.

Join the event on FACEBOOK.

Learn more about the Key Note Speaker Andy Semotiuk. He has been passionate about networking throughout his career including serving three years as Chairman of the Beverly Hills Bar Association Networking Committee. He is the author of many articles and volumes, one of which deals with issues facing recent graduates "The Young Professional.:

Lateral and Critical Thinking Seminar

Walter Derzko will be holding another Lateral and Critical thinking seminar at the UCU Wealth Strategies Group building. If you are interested in attending please register by contacting Yuriy Diakunchak, contact info is on the image below.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ottawa International Byzantine Arts Symposium ft. renowned iconographer Georgios Kordis

The First Annual Ottawa International Byzantine Arts Symposium is an exciting and new multi-day event, bringing to light the stories and rich history of Byzantine iconography and the beautiful imagery we find in our churches and homes. Hosted at Ottawa's Holy Trinity Hall on Arthur Street from September 28th to October 1st, 2014, the symposium will feature renowned iconographer and Byzantine-art scholar Georgios Kordis, who will be leading and participating in a series of workshops and events organized by Ottawa's Studio IKONA.

Kicking off the symposium will be the exciting premiere of Dr. Kordis' Festal Icon Limited Edition Archival Series (more info here), accompanied by a reception and opportunity to meet the artist.

Over the course of the subsequent days, participants of the "Light & Rhythm: Iconography Workshop" will be learning and creating their own 30'x40" icons in traditional Byzantine style, under the guidance and of Dr. Kordis. The workshop will cover a variety of techniques, from learning to sketch in the Byzantine style and learning all about the rich history of egg tempera, a traditional painting medium. Though the workshop is currently full, there is a waiting list. More information can be obtained by contacting

On the evenings of September 28th and 29th, the public will have the opportunity to witness and enjoy a live painting of an icon by Dr. Kordis, while accompanied by sacred Byzantine choral music and chants. The first evening will be hosted at St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, and the second at Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church. Both events will run from 7:00-8:30PM on their respective evenings, and include guided church tours and light refreshments. More information can be obtained here.

About Dr. George Kordis

Dr George Kordis, a native of Greece, is a theologian, Iconographer and artist. He holds a Master’s in Theology from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School School of Theology in Boston. In 1991 he was awarded his Doctrate in Theology at the University of Athens. Dr Kordis is an assistant professor in Iconography (Theory and Practice) at the University of Athens. In addition to lecturing and writing on Byzantine Iconography at the academic level, he also teaches the art of Icon painting. He is a visitng professor at Yale and Notre Dame Universities and also various international workshops.

View some of his work online here. It looks to be an exciting event and opportunity to create and learn more about this beautiful and rich part of our history and identity.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Фінансовий Коментар - Чи буде російський дефолт?

Чи відбудеться новий російський дефолт? 

Чи відбудеться новий російський дефолт?
Останнім часом ми багато писали про українську економіку і відзначали важку економічну та фінансову ситуацію в Україні. Ми також відзначали, що економіка Росії перебуває в кращій формі, що дає Росії можливість продовжувати свою інтервенцію в Україну. Путін, очевидно, сподівається, що економіка України розвалиться вперед економіки Росії. Але наскільки сильними є економіка та фінансова система Росії?

ВВП Росії цього року зростає досить повільно, на 0.9% у першому кварталі і 0.8% у другому кварталі. Уряд Росії прогнозує, що ріст сповільниться до 0.5% в цілому за рік, що має статися, зокрема, через санкції Заходу. Провідні банки, такі як Bank of America Merrill Lynch і Morgan Stanley мають схожі прогнози на цей рік і очікують, що в 2015 році економіка Росії або не виросте або впаде на 0,5%. Для порівняння, Міжнародний валютний фонд очікує, що світова економіка зросте на 3% і більше на рік в 2014-2015 роках.

Пара цікавих фактів про російську економіку: державний бюджет Росії, який в значній мірі залежить від експорту нафти, накопичуватиме надмірний дефіцит, якщо ціна на нафту впаде нижче за $93 за барель цього року і $96/барель у наступному році (що близько до поточної ринкової ціни на російську нафту). Другий факт: у першій половині 2014 року обсяг буріння в нафтовій промисловості Росії знизився вперше з кризового 2009 року, падіння склало більше 7%. Таким чином, економічні перспективи Росії стають все більш туманними.

Російська фінансова система виглядає відносно стабільною: сукупний зовнішній борг країни складає лише близько $700 млрд, а його короткострокова частина – близько $80 млрд. Проте, західні санкції серйозно скоротили можливості Росії запозичувати на світових ринках. Ось чому російський рубль продовжує падати. Після деякого зміцнення минулого тижня, його курс до долара США знову є вищим за USD/RUB 37.0, що є історичним максимумом. Якщо санкції триватимуть, російські позичальники не зможуть рефінансувати свої борги, особливо на тлі економічної кризи в країні. Російські спостерігачі вже почали говорити про майбутній дефолт країни, подібний до дефолту 1998 року.

Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Financial Comment - Will Russia Default?

Will Russia default on its debts?

We have lately covered the Ukrainian economy and noted just how difficult the Ukrainian economic situation is. We also noted that the Russian economy is in better shape which is giving Russia an opportunity to press ahead with its intervention in Ukraine. Putin is apparently hoping that Ukraine’s economy will cripple before Russia’s does. But how strong are the Russian economy and financial system?

Russia’s GDP has been growing quite slowly this year, by 0.9% in the first quarter and 0.8% in the second quarter. The Russian government expects that it will slow down to 0.5% of growth in 2014 with the Western sanctions among apparent reasons. Leading banks like Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley have similar forecasts for this year and expect that in 2015 the Russian economy will be either flat or will decline by 0.5%. For comparison, the International Monetary Fund expects that the global economy will grow by 3% or more annually in 2014-2015.

A couple of revealing facts about the Russian economy: the country’s state budget, which is critically dependent on oil exports, will run an excessive deficit if the price for oil drops lower that $93 per barrel this year and $96/barrel next year (which is around the current market price for the Russian oil). The second fact: in the first half of 2014, the volume of drilling in the oil industry dropped for the first time since the crisis year of 2009, the decline amounted to more than 7%. So, Russia’s economic prospects are becoming increasingly strained.

Russia’s financial system looks relatively stable with the country’s total foreign debt at more than $700 billion while its short-term debt at more than $80 billion. However, the western sanctions have severely reduced Russia’s ability to borrow on global markets. This is why the Russian ruble continues falling. After some strengthening last week, its rate to the U.S. dollar is again above USD/RUB 37.0, the historic high. If the sanctions hold, Russian borrowers may not be able to refinance their debts, especially on the back of the economic crisis. Russian observers have started talking a looming default similar to the country’s default which happened in 1998.

By: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

Orphanage 41 by Victor Malarek: Book Launch at the Toronto Ukrainian Festival

Join us for the launch of acclaimed author Victor Malarek's latest book, Orphanage 41. A work of gripping fiction, Orphanage 41's topical content will trigger discussion around the realities of life in modern-day Ukraine.

The official synopsis reads:

Mykola Yashan receives news that shatters his world and propels him on a dangerous journey of roots unknown. His quest is triggered by a stunning discovery in his father’s study, and soon after, the 20-year-old Canadian university student is on his way to Lviv, Ukraine. His first stop: Orphanage 41 where he encounters the director, Natalka Matlinsky, who will stop at nothing, including murder, to keep him from learning the truth - a secret so scandalous that if revealed will destroy lives and possibly topple a corrupt government.

Sandi Rinaldo, CTV news anchor, will be introducing Victor and his book at 6PM on Friday, September 12th, 2014 at the Ukrainian Canadian Social Services building at Jane and Bloor.

Get your copy of the book at the launch, or place an order online at

Monday, September 8, 2014

UA from P to A: The Tour Has Arrived!

Earlier this month I was able to connect with Philip Rojen, one of the duo of young filmmakers behind UA from P to A (Ukraine from Pacific to Atlantic) - the cross-Canada tour bringing true perspective to the events leading up to and including the Maidan protests this past winter.

The Rojen brothers in St. John's, NL
For the past month, they've been touring our nation with a variety of short films and media, and enlivening the discussion on the Ukrainian situation beyond the typical Ukrainian community members. With many of the general-public based events garnering as-many, if not more attendees, it is reassuring to see that the issue matters to more than just our diaspora - but also a sign of magnitude of international concern that this ordeal has garnered. The threat that Putin's rumblings posed at the start of the matter have now become reality - and are of real concern to more than just Ukrainians.

The brothers' featured film, "The Winter That Changed Us", which Andriy directed and Philip produced, alongside those of the  #Babylon13 short series, provide a perspective on the reasons behind the protests that may not be clear to the average Canadian - reasons that are pivotal in understanding the complexity behind what is going on, and why Ukrainians are fighting to see their dreams of dignity and human rights, freedom from corruption, and peaceful existence come true at any cost.

TiK's coming - Are You Ready???

Along with New Pathway newspaper, we had the chance to get some insight into TiK's upcoming visit to Toronto - a 7-piece folk-ska-rock outfit hailing from Vinnytsia!

You can meet TiK on September 13 at 3pm to get the band’s autographs and a special collector’s poster at the Ukrainian Credit Union Limited Wealth Strategies Building, 2265 Bloor Street West. 

More details here:

Their amped up party polka coupled with vocals sometimes reminiscent of Braty Hadiukiny, will ignite the 1-2-3 in your feet on both Friday and Saturday nights - and while some Babas will argue that this isn't a time to celebrate, we all know what a spin around the dance floor can do to lift the spirit and remind us of where we come from.

In an interview with Denys, the lead singer of the band in its 15th year, discussed his views on the situation in Ukraine and how it has forever changed and reignited the Ukrainian spirit and music scene. He hopes that soon, the recent songs of war that have emerged will become songs of freedom and victory.

Ukrainian Art Song Project Presents: GALICIANS 1: The Art Songs

Internationally acclaimed British bass-baritone Pavlo Hunka is joined by three renowned Canadian opera singers: Monica Whicher - soprano, Krisztina Szabó - mezzo-soprano, Russell Braun – baritone, along with featured artists Marie Bérard - violin and Albert Krywolt – piano, for the world premiere performance of the Art Songs of four Ukrainian composers from the western province of Galicia.  GALICIANS I presents the recently discovered compositions of the late romantic Denys Sichynsky, post-romantic Stanyslav Liudkevych, impressionist Vasyl Barvinsky and modernist, as well as Ukraine's first female composer, Stefania Turkewich.
This evening is hosted by Stuart Hamilton, C.M., produced by Roman Hurko, opera director and composer, and is proudly presented by Ukrainian Art Song Project

Friday, September 5, 2014

Фінансовий Коментар - Захід збільшує допомогу українській економіці

У попередньому блозі ми описали важку ситуацію в українській економіці, яка склалася в результаті довготермінової кризи, а також у зв'язку з війною з Росією. На тлі російського вторгнення в Україну і неясних перспектив подальшого розвитку ситуації, Захід зараз намагається активізувати свою допомогу для економіки та обороноздатності України. Знову ж, оскільки ситуація є дуже швидкоплинною, залишається незрозумілим, чи допомоги, яка зараз надається або обіцяється, буде достатньо, зокрема, для того, щоб Україна уникнула економічного краху.
Минулого тижня ЄС пообіцяв дати Україні кредит на 1 млрд. євро для макроекономічної стабілізації, залежно від висновків Міжнародного валютного фонду про доцільність такого кредиту. На цьому тижні Україна отримала другий транш в розмірі 1,39 млрд. дол. від Міжнародного валютного фонду, в межах кредитної лінії у 17 млрд. дол., затвердженої МВФ в квітні цього року. Серед іншого, це транш означає, що МВФ вважає задовільними економічні і фінансові результати України на даний момент. Якщо Україна виконає вимоги цього траншу, вона може отримати два наступні транші за один раз, в кінці цього року. Серед вимог є подальша лібералізація внутрішніх цін на енергоносії, що становитиме дуже чутливу проблему для населення, особливо в зимовий період, який надходить.

У той же час, війна ставить навіть більш жорсткі запитання. МВФ нещодавно вказав, що 17 млрд. дол. буде недостатньо, якщо війна затягнеться до 2015 року, і що Україні в цьому випадку потрібно буде принаймні на 19 млрд. дол. більше, тільки для підтримки резервів Нацбанку до кінця наступного року. Проте, економічні проблеми зараз не знаходяться в центрі уваги на тлі війни, яка винищує Донбас, і доля якої зараз вирішується великими державами.

Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Financial Comment - The West steps up its help for Ukrainian economy

In the previous blog, we described the dire situation the Ukrainian economy is currently in due to the war against Russia in eastern Ukraine, and the longer-term crisis in the country. Amid the Russian invasion in Ukraine and unclear prospects for further development of the situation, the West is now trying to step up its help for Ukraine’s economy and defense capability. Again, as the situation is very fluid, it is unclear whether the help, which is being provided or promised, will be enough, in particular, to help Ukraine avert an economic disaster.

Last week, the EU promised to give Ukraine EUR1 billion in a loan for macroeconomic stabilization subject to the International Monetary Fund’s conclusion that the country needs it. This week, Ukraine received a second installment in the amount of US$1.39 billion from the International Monetary Fund, within the US$17 billion credit line approved by the IMF in April this year. Among other things, this installment means that the IMF considers Ukraine’s economic and financial performance so far as satisfactory. If Ukraine meets this installment’s requirements, it may receive the next two installments combined together, later this year. Among the requirements is further liberalization of domestic energy prices, which will be a very sensitive issue for households, especially during the coming winter period.
At the same time, the war is posing even tougher questions. The IMF has indicated that the US$17 billion will not be enough if the war drags into 2015 and that Ukraine in this case will need at least US$19 billion more, just to maintain Ukraine Central Bank’s reserves by the end of next year. However, economic problems are not in the spotlight currently as the course of the war, which is decimating the Donbas, is being decided by big powers.

By: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Crisis in Ukraine - Sept 3 UCC Briefing

Crisis in Ukraine: Daily Briefing
3 September, 7 PM Kyiv time

1. Russian invasion of Ukraine
The National Security and Defense Council (RNBO) reported at 12PM Kyiv time that Anti-Terrorism Operation (ATO) forces have carried out a redeployment, established new lines and have switched to active defense. Over 100 Russian mercenaries were killed in an airstrike on a Kremlin-backed terrorist base by Ukrainian forces near Snizhne. In the ATO zone, Russians have begun to loot mines and transport coal from Ukrainian mines to Russia. The RNBO stated that despite the fact that many civilians remain in cities and towns, Russian soldiers and Kremlin-backed terrorists continue to shell towns in Donetsk and Luhansk oblast. On 2 September, Kremlin-backed terrorists shelled Popasna, Luhansk oblast; civilians were forced to flee the city. The RNBO stated at 5PM Kyiv time that they are “seeing a reduction in military activity, including the use of artillery and other heavy weapons.”

2. Obama: NATO must send “unmistakable message in support of Ukraine”
US President B. Obama, speaking in Tallinn ahead of the Wales NATO Summit (4-5 September) stated,
“Because of the work of generations, because we’ve stood together in a great alliance, because people across this continent have forged a European Union dedicated to cooperation and peace, we have made historic progress toward the vision we share -- a Europe that is whole and free and at peace. And yet, as we gather here today, we know that this vision is threatened by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.  It is a brazen assault on the territorial integrity of Ukraine -- a sovereign and independent European nation.  It challenges that most basic of principles of our international system -- that borders cannot be redrawn at the barrel of a gun; that nations have the right to determine their own future.  It undermines an international order where the rights of peoples and nations are upheld and can’t simply be taken away by brute force.  This is what’s at stake in Ukraine.  This is why we stand with the people of Ukraine today…It was not the government in Kyiv that destabilized eastern Ukraine; it’s been the pro-Russian separatists who are encouraged by Russia, financed by Russia, trained by Russia, supplied by Russia and armed by Russia.  And the Russian forces that have now moved into Ukraine are not on a humanitarian or peacekeeping mission.  They are Russian combat forces with Russian weapons in Russian tanks.  Now, these are the facts.  They are provable.  They’re not subject to dispute… And just as we never accepted the occupation and illegal annexation of the Baltic nations, we will not accept Russia’s occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea or any part of Ukraine

#SUSKhasHope - Wear Your “Hope / Надія” Shirt and Show Your Support!

SUSK's “Hope / Надія” T-shirt Project, launched in March of this year, has been a great success on many levels - in addition to raising funds, it has succeeded in raising awareness and keeping the spirits Ukrainians in Canada and abroad hopeful for a brighter future and a free and independent Ukraine - a dream shared by Taras Shevchenko, poet and icon of Ukrainians who is prominently featured in the design.

SUSK now calls upon students and others in the community to continue to support Ukrainians in their fight for democracy with a new social media campaign! Take a photo of yourself and friends wearing your Hope / Надія shirt and post with the #SUSKHasHope hashtag to show Ukraine that we still standing strong behind her! 

Get more info at or email SUSK directly at 

Member Appreciation BBQ

We will be holding a member appreciation BBQ at our Mississauga branch this Friday. Come and join us for some good food and great company!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Crisis in Ukraine - UCC Briefing for Sept 2

Crisis in Ukraine: Daily Briefing
2 September, 7 PM Kyiv time

1. Russian invasion of Ukraine
The National Security and Defense Council (RNBO) reported at 12PM Kyiv time that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to concentrate soldiers and equipment in occupied areas. In Donetsk oblast, Russian units have been identified in Donetsk city, Amvrosiyvka, Starobeshev, Huselshchykov, Novoazovsk and Markino; in Luhansk oblast, Russian units have been identified in Luhansk city, Pobyeda, Novosvitlivka, and Khryshchuvate. The RNBO stated that during the night of 1-2 September, intense battles between the Ukrainian National Guard and the invaders took place near Rozdolnoye, Vasylivka, and Starolapsa; Ukrainian forces repelled three attacks. The RNBO reported that in order to supply Kremlin-backed terrorists and units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation that are on Ukrainian territory, “the Russian side is using trucks of the so-called humanitarian convoy. Yesterday from the territory of the Russian Federation, toward Dmytrivka, Donetsk oblast, 4 white trucks crossed [the border] and returned an hour later.” The RNBO reported at 5PM Kyiv time that 9 Ukrainian soldiers, held hostage by Kremlin-backed terrorists, were liberated in an operation carried out by forces of Operational Command North. The RNBO stated at 5PM Kyiv time that Ukrainian forces continue to control the airport in Donetsk. The RNBO stated that Kremlin-backed terrorists continue to shell towns and settlements. Kremlin-backed terrorists fired artillery into Alchevsk, the suburbs of Luhansk city, the villages of Yuveliyne, Katerynivka, Vesela Hora, and Petrivka.  Vesela Hora and Petrivka are also being shelled from the territory of the Russian Federation. The RNBO stated that Kremlin-backed terrorists are prohibiting civilians from leaving occupied towns and cities.

2. US Senator Menendez: Ukraine should be supplied with defensive weapons