Friday, March 28, 2014

Фінансовий Коментар - Канада – знову лідер

Канада – знову лідер
З самого початку української революції Канада була лідером західного світу у підтримці України. Канада першою застосувала санкції до режиму Януковича і в даний час є найбільш жорстким критиком Росії за її вторгнення в Україну, що зокрема проявилося під час зустрічей прем'єр-міністра Стівена Харпера на цьому тижні в Європі.

Канада найбільш послідовно з усіх західних країн проводить політику слідування загальним інтересам у введенні санкцій проти Росії, незважаючи на ймовірні економічні наслідки для західних країн. По всій справедливості, Канада є набагато менш залежною економічно від Росії, ніж Європа, що імпортує звідти принаймні 30% своїх енергоносіїв. З точки зору канадської економіки в цілому, навіть повне припинення економічних стосунків з Росією не мало би серйозного впливу. У січні 2014 р. торгівля товарами з Росією склала лише 0,1% та 0,3% загального обсягу відповідно канадського імпорту та експорту. Інвестиції в Росію склали 0,7% усіх канадських прямих іноземних інвестицій у 2012 р. (Statistics Canada).

Попри це, великі канадські компанії із значними зв'язками з Росією таки інсують. Зокрема, Kinross Gold Corporation має два золотих проекти у Росії; Bomdardier Inc. розглядає проект спільного підприємства і планує розвивати продаж літаків у Росії; SNC-Lavalin Group має інтереси у російських енергетичних проектах. З початку кримської ситуації Канадська Євразійсько-Російська Бізнес-Асоціація та Kinross Gold Corporation зверталися до уряду з проханнями розглянути канадські інтереси в Росії під час розгляду санкцій. На даний момент уряд не змінює свою позицію і лише висловлює симпатії компаніям з інтересами в Росії. Зважаючи на те, що Росія й досі не показує готовність зняти напруження довкола України, канадські інвестори можуть бути змушені враховувати можливі негативні наслідки для таких компаній. Зокрема, у сегменті золотодобувних компаній, крім Kinross Gold Corporation, є такі, що не мають зв’язків з Росією, і інвестори можуть зробити висновки, котрі з них мають кращі перспективи.

Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Win 1 of 5 pairs of tickets to go see the film Haytarma


Ania Jacyniak, Iryna Soluk-Figol, Hanya Kohut, Julia Poverennaya and Olena Gavrysh-Nazar you are the winners of Ukrainian Credit Union Limited’s “Win a pair of tickets to go see the film Haytarma, Thursday April 3rd” Facebook contest!

Contest is now closed.

Just Like our Facebook page plus the contest picture on our timeline and you'll be automatically entered! Click HERE to get to our Facebook page

For more information click HERE.

Financial Comment - Canada Leading the Way

Canada Leading the Way
Ever since the start of the Ukrainian Revolution, Canada has lead the Western world in its support for Ukraine. Canada was the first to impose sanctions on the Yanukovych regime and is currently the most vocal and harsh critic of Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, which Prime Minister Stephen Harper proved during this week’s meetings in Europe.

Canada is probably making the strongest case of pursuing a greater good by imposing sanctions on Russia despite likely economic consequences for the Western countries. In all fairness, Canada is much less dependent on Russia economically than Europe which imports at least 30% of its energy from that country. In terms of the overall Canadian economy, even a complete disruption of trade and investment with Russia would not have a serious effect. In January 2014, merchandise trade with Russia represented only 0.1% and 0.3% of the total Canadian imports and exports respectively, while investment in Russia accounted for just 0.7% of the total Canadian direct investment abroad in 2012 (Statistics Canada).

That said, there are prominent Canadian companies with significant ties with Russia. In particular, Kinross Gold Corporation, which operates two gold projects in Russia; Bomdardier Inc., which is eyeing a joint venture in Russia and continued sales of aircraft there; SNC-Lavalin Group with interests in Russian energy-related projects. Since the beginning of the tensions, the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association and Kinross Gold have addressed the government with pleas to consider Canadian interests in Russia while imposing sanctions. So far, the government maintains its stance and only offers sympathy to the companies with interests in Russia. Given that Russia is not yet showing readiness to diffuse the situation around Ukraine, Canadian investors may need to take into account possible negative fallout for these companies. In particular, in the gold-mining segment, there are a number of companies without exposure to Russia, and individuals should do their own research to discover which ones have better prospects.

By: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Financial Comment - Crimea Crisis and Western Sanctions

Crimea Crisis and Western Sanctions
Since our last post, the situation with western sanctions against Russia for its invasion in Ukraine has become slightly clearer. On the one hand, Ukraine’s hopes to restore its sovereignty over Crimea may be raised by Barak Obama’s words on Tuesday that the annexation of Crimea “is not a done deal” and could be reversed. However there is a lack of understanding at the moment as to how that could be done.

On the other hand, the U.S. and European Union are indicating their readiness to apply serious economic sanctions against Russia if there is an escalation in the situation. At the meeting in The Hague this Monday, the G7 indicated that it was "ready to intensify actions including coordinated sectoral sanctions that will have an increasingly significant impact on the Russian economy, if Russia continues to escalate this situation". Markets appear to have taken positively to this statement - indicating that things are cooling down: the Russian market’s RTS index has risen by 13% since its 5-year bottom registered at the height of the Crimean invasion on March 14.

That said, the picture of possible Western sanctions against Russia is starting to shape up. U.S. President Barak Obama has named Russia’s financial services, energy, defence and mining sectors among those which could suffer in the future. This week, the U.S. Senate is expected to consider legislation to cut off all U.S. business with Russia's state-owned arms exporter, Rosoboronexport. As an important move to secure Europe’s energy independence from Russia, the U.S. and Europe are currently negotiating a trade agreement which would make it much easier to obtain licenses for the American liquefied natural gas exports to Europe. We can only hope that sanctions become strong enough to get Russia to back down and reverse its aggressive stance against Ukraine and the region.

By: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

Фінансовий Коментар - Кримська криза та західні санкції

Кримська криза та західні санкції
З  часу нашого останнього блоґ-посту ситуація із західними санкціями проти Росії за її вторгнення в Україну стала дещо яснішою. З одного боку, надії України відновити свій суверенітет над Кримом дістали підтримку, коли Президент США Барак Обама у вівторок сказав, що анексія Криму "не є вирішеною справою" і їй може бути даний задній хід. Однак, на даний момент відсутнє розуміння, як це може бути зроблено.

З іншого боку, США і Європейський Союз підтверджують свою готовність застосувати серйозні економічні санкції щодо Росії, якщо ситуація набуде небезпечної ескалації. На засіданні в Гаазі у цей понеділок Велика Сімка вказала, що вона "готова до активізації дій, включаючи скоординовані секторальні санкції, які будуть мати все більш істотний вплив на російську економіку, якщо Росія продовжуватиме ескалацію ситуації". Ринки сприйняли цю заяву позитивно, як таку, що свідчить про спад напруження: індекс РТС російського ринку на даний момент зріс на 13% від свого найнижчого значення за останні 5 років, яке було встановлене 14 березня, у найбільш напружений момент російського вторгнення.

Попри все, картина можливих західних санкцій проти Росії починає формуватися. Барак Обама нещодавно назвав російські фінансовий, енергетичний, оборонний та гірничий сектори серед тих, які можуть постраждати у майбутньому. На цьому тижні Сенат США має розглянути законодавство, яке унеможливить зв’язки американського бізнесу з російським державним експортером зброї Рособоронекспортом. Важливим кроком до енергетичної незалежності Європи від Росії була би угода про торгівлю між США і Європою, яка в даний час обговорюється і яка має значно спростити отримання ліцензій на експорт американського зрідженого газу до Європи. Ми можемо тільки сподіватися, що західні санкції будуть достатньо сильними, аби заставити Росію відступити і змінити свою агресивну позицію щодо України та регіону в цілому.

Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Eternal Memory

We received a notice today via John Koshyk from Julia Bungaro about the film Eternal Memory, narrated by Meryl Streep it is about the horrors of totalitarian states. This is the text of the email we received:

With the hijacking of Crimea, Vladimir Putin's Russia is dangerously slipping back into totalitarianism. Its disregard for democratic and international laws, treaties and territorial rights must not go unchallenged.  As the situation in the Ukraine escalates, the producers of Eternal Memorya riveting documentary on the terrors and subjugation of Ukraine in the Stalinist era, have posted the film on YouTube for the world to view. Eternal Memory, narrated by Meryl Streep and featuring some of the top historians in the world, is a chilling reminder of what can happen in a totalitarian state ruled by despots with total disregard for human rights and international laws.   We urge you to view it and share it with your friends Please forward and share this e-mail and the link:
Julia Bungaro 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Peter Szlichta - Candidate for the Board (2014)

Nominee running for the one (1) position reserved for the City of Hamilton, the Regional Municipality of Halton, or the Towns of Caledonia or Grimsby:  

Peter Szlichta was elected to the UUCU Board in 2006. He performed duties as Secretary and member of the strategic planning committee. Upon the merger of UCU and UUCU he was appointed to the UCU board as advisory member till 2013. Mr. Szlichta brings 33 years of business management experience in the Toronto high rise condo development industry. His experiences include management oversight of all activities of the development process including design oversight, project management, and construction management overlooking the execution / oversight of project operations. In the later 1970s Mr. Szlichta worked in USA Midwest region as Supt. on major industrial projects for Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and American Motors.

Mr. Szlichta joined the UUCU in 1976 and has been an active member of the credit union for 37 years and served on UUCU Board strategic planning committee from 2007-2012

In 2007 he became Director of Construction for Aspen Ridge Homes (High Rise Division) a division of Con- Drain and Metrus to create a new high rise division alongside the existing single family home division. Prior to this, Mr. Szlichta held a position in management at Monarch Homes (High Rise Div). A member of a selected core group, who created, developed and managed the high rise dept at Monarch.

Mr. Szlichta obtained a degree in Architectural Engineering. Supplemented knowledge with courses in real estate, construction management.

Borden Osmak - Candidate for the Board (2014)

Nominee running for the one (1) position set aside for a representative of the former So-Use Credit Union:

Mr. Borden Osmak joined the UCU Board of Directors from So-Use Credit Union, where he served since 2006. He has been a member of Ukrainian Credit Union Limited since 1992.

Mr. Osmak, and his spouse Jeanne, have three children, Katrusha, Nicholas and Evanka. The family are members of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Mr. Osmak served on the Parish board for six years, four of those as a member of the Audit Committee.

Mr. Osmak holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) from the University of Windsor, and an MBA (Finance) from McMaster University in Hamilton. He also attended International Banking courses at St. Andrews University, Scotland.

He brings 33 years of financial experience with the Bank of Nova Scotia, in both Toronto and New York. As Managing Director/SVP Mr. Osmak was responsible for the Scotia Bank's corporate loan portfolios in the following sectors: Industrial, Consumer, Real Estate and Forestry.

Mr. Osmak was a founding Director of the Toronto Raptors basketball team, helping to bring the NBA to Canada in the mid-1990s.

Presently, he is a Director of Scotia Investments Ltd. in Halifax and is the chairman of its Audit Committee.

Andre Sochaniwsky - Candidate for the Board (2014)

Nominee running for one of two (2) at-large positions:

Mr. Andre Sochaniwsky has been a member of the UCU for over twenty-five years and was first elected to the board in 2009.  He is the current Chair of the Board and also chairs the Executive and Governance Committees. Prior to that, he was the Board Vice-Chair and Chair of the Budget and the Donations, Sponsorship, Scholarships and Marketing and Budget Committees. He brings with him over fifteen years of business technology management experience, including a significant system delivery and governance capability. He also has a successful operational leadership track record as a former commissioned officer in the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Currently, Mr. Sochaniwsky holds the position of Director, Finance and Supply Fulfillment Systems Delivery at a leading Canadian telecommunications company, where he has worked since May 2008. He is responsible for the successful planning and delivery of the company’s multi-million dollar finance and supply fulfillment system work program, which has included the company’s system migration to IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) Harmonized Sales Tax, post-merger integration of large corporate acquisitions and other essential and transformational programs.

For ten years, prior to his current employment, Mr. Sochaniwsky was a management consultant, specializing in systems integration for large manufacturing companies. While in that position, he had the opportunity to work with numerous Fortune 500 companies throughout North America, contributing to the success of their system implementations.

Andre also served as an Air Combat Systems Officer in the RCAF for 13 years.  He commanded a maritime patrol air crew tasked with ocean surveillance and reconnaissance and the detection and tracking of nuclear submarines and accumulated 2200 hours of flight time. He was awarded with three military medals for service to Canada, including one for air patrol operations in the Adriatic Sea during the Yugoslavian conflict.

In addition to his UCU Limited Board work, Mr. Sochaniwsky serves on the Remembrance Committee of the Toronto Branch of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC). He is also an active parent volunteer of the St. Sofia Byzantine Catholic School Council. He is a member of the Ukrainian National Federation (UNF), the Ukrainian War Veterans Organization and Plast and parishioner of St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church.  Professionally, he is a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Mr. Sochaniwsky received his Bachelor of Engineering from the Royal Military College of Canada and his Master of Business Administration from the Ivey Business School at Western University. He has completed the Canadian Securities Course and the Project Management Certificate program from the University of Toronto. He also holds the PMP (Project Management Professional) designation and has successfully completed the CUDA (Credit Union Director Accreditation) Level B training.

Andrew Rupf - Candidate for the Board (2014)

Nominee running for one of two (2) at-large positions:

Mr. Andrew Rupf has been actively involved in the Credit Union Movement, mortgage brokering, and banking sector for over 15 years. He has an excellent knowledge of the mortgage industry and his experiences have touched on many aspects within the industry including lending, strategy, and computing technology.

Mr. Rupf is a familiar face to many members at Ukrainian Credit Union Limited. He served 3 terms on UCU’s Credit Committee starting back in 2001. Since his credit committee days, he has continued staying involved with UCU, albeit in a less formal capacity. Andrew has routinely been spotted at UCU branches on Saturday mornings chatting with staff and members on all things UCU.

During his days as a mortgage broker, Mr. Rupf worked with many families and real estate investors in obtaining mortgages for their homes and properties. He also assisted businesses with their financing needs. He knows intimately the difference between an average and an exceptional mortgage experience. He wants to ensure that all members (and future members) are always treated to an exceptional mortgage experience.

Never shy in sharing insights and experiences, Mr. Rupf has routinely been invited to speak at conferences and seminars on mortgage strategies and software technology in the banking industry. He is especially sought after for his expert knowledge in group mortgage benefits.

Given the prominence that technology is now playing in the operation of UCU and the industry at large, Mr. Rupf’s knowledge and most recent experience in this area will be of value for UCU’s membership. In his current position as Senior Business Consultant at IBM Canada, he has led teams in implementing back office software systems for several large banks and financial institutions.

Mr. Rupf holds both a Professional Engineering license and a mortgage broker license within the province of Ontario. He graduated from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Applied Science in computer engineering. He has also completed the Credit Union Director Achievement (Level A) course.

Mr. Rupf looks forward to serving the members of Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.

Walter Kish - Candidate for the Board (2014)

Nominee running for one of two (2) at-large positions:

Mr. Walter Kish has been a member of the credit union for over 40 years. In 2000, he was elected to the credit union’s Audit Committee and became its Chair in 2003. He has served on the Credit Union’s Board for the past five years.  From 2004 to 2006 Mr. Kish moved to Ukraine to manage a Canadian government CIDA foreign aid project aimed at helping strengthen the credit union system in Ukraine.

Mr. Kish graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1973 specializing in Mathematics and Computer Science and has worked for a number of large multinational companies in senior management positions, including Senior Project Manager with Celestica, Regional Operations Manager with Xerox, Vice President and General Manager with Allied Van Lines, Ukraine Country Manager with Seagram, and Manager, Project Delivery with the Ontario Ministry of Government Services.  Currently, he is working as a Project Management Consultant on a contract basis.

Mr. Kish has an extensive record of involvement with the Ukrainian community both locally, nationally and internationally.  He is a former President and currently an Executive Member of the Oshawa Branch of the UNF, a former President and Vice-President of the Durham Region Branch of the UCC (KYK), a regular columnist with The New Pathway (Noviy Shliakh) newspaper, a Director of the Canada Ukraine Foundation, a member of the Parish Council of the St. John’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Oshawa, and a Director of the Ukrainian Journalists Association of North America. He is a past National President of the Ukrainian National Youth Federation of Canada.

In 2010 Mr. Kish received the Shevchenko Medal from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress for his lifetime contribution to Ukrainian Community Development.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Financial Comment - Crimea and global markets

Crimea and global markets
Americans protest Lukoil station in Jersey City
The Russian invasion and successive annexation of Crimea have been in the global focus since late February. The investment and commodity markets have all felt the impact. Russian stock indices have suffered the most: the RTS index dropped 19% between February 24 and March 14 to 1,062 points. Since then, the index recovered by 9% to 1,156 points. Some analysts connect this recovery to the perceived weakness of the response from the United States and Europe to the Russian actions. At the same time, others expect new rounds of sanctions from the West and note that foreign investors are still shunning Russian equities. Like the White House spokesman Jay Carney put it on Tuesday: “I wouldn’t … invest in Russian equities right now – unless you’re going short”. 
The oil market has been in focus as Russia is the biggest oil producing country with a 13.3% estimated share of global production (2013). Because Russia gets 70% of its exports from energy sales, western sanctions against its oil and gas exports would potentially be devastating for the country. However, Europe does not seem to be ready to impose such sanctions because 30% of its oil and natural gas supply comes from Russia. European leaders have promised to work towards greater energy independence from Russia in the future. The situation with the western economic sanctions against Russia may clear up next week when the G7 countries gather in The Hague. The price of oil has been fluctuating: in the first two weeks of March, the price of WTI oil fell from US$105/barrel to US$98/barrel and some analysts attributed it to the West’s efforts to warn Russia about possible threats for its oil exports. By now, the price has recovered to around US$100 a barrel.
By: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited

Фінансовий Коментар - Крим і світові ринки

Американці пікетують бенз-заправку Лукоіл
в штаті Ню Джерзі
Крим і світові ринки
Російське вторгнення та анексія Криму знаходяться у фокусі світового співтовариства вже декілька тижнів. Глобальні інвестиційні та сировинні ринки вже відчули на собі наслідки цієї ситуації. Російський ринок акцій на даний момент постраждав найбільше: індекс RTS за період з 24 лютого по 14 березня впав на 19% до 1,062 пунктів. З того часу індекс відновився на 9% до 1,156 пунктів. Деякі аналітики повязують цей ріст із слабкістю американських та європейських санкцій щодо Росії. У той же час, інші аналітики очікують нового раунду санкцій і зауважують, що західні інвестори і досі уникають російських акцій. Як сказав речник Білого Дому Джей Карні у вівторок, "я б не.. вкладав кошти в акції російських компаній зараз хіба ви хочете стати по них у коротку позицію " (тобто хочете грати на їх пониження).
Нафтовий ринок також є в центрі уваги, оскільки Росія є найбільшим виробником нафти у світі, з часткою глобального виробництва на рівні 13,3% у 2013 р. Оскільки Росія отримує 70% експортної виручки від продажу енергоносіїв, західні санкції проти експорту її нафти і газу мали би руйнівні наслідки для країни. Однак, здається, що Європа не є готовою накласти такі санкції, тому що отримує до 30% своїх нафти і природного газу з Росії. Європейські лідери обіцяють працювати в напрямку більшої енергетичної незалежності від Росії в майбутньому. Ситуація із західними економічними санкціями проти Росії може стати більш зрозумілою наступного тижня, коли країни Великої Сімки зустрінуться в Гаазі. Ціна на нафту коливається: у перші два тижні березня ціна на нафту WTI впала від $105/барель до $98/барель і деякі аналітики пояснювали це намаганням Заходу попередити Росію про можливі загрози для експорту її нафти. На даний момент ціна виросла до близько $100/барель.

Українська Кредитова Спілка Лимитед

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Upcoming events in Toronto, Hamilton, Mississauga, Ottawa, Oakville and St. Catharines

Below are posters of a whole bunch of events in various cities coming up in March, April and May!

Please note that the next event is actually Saturday March 29! The date is wrong on the poster that was supplied below.

Мамина Сорочка Luncheon and Showcase

The poster itself is beautiful enough to convince us this event is worth going to. Plus there will be lunch! Mark your calendar. We know its still a long ways away till May 5, but it'll be here befor we know it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Canada & Ukraine Together – Razom

Huge concert coming up! Don't miss this great chance to help support Ukraine.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Experiences of the Revolution

Ukrainian National Federation – Toronto Branch Presents Experiences of the Revolution

Immerse yourself into the events of the past few months in Ukraine. Join the revolution through the stories and experiences of your peers; from tragedy to triumph.

A question and answer forum with those who have experienced the Maidan first hand


Mark Ihnatowycz
Juno nominee for Lume Lume of Lemon Bucket Orkestra
Maidan Particpant – February 2014

Krystina Waler
UCPBA Board Member, Ukrainian Canadian Congress Delegate to Ukraine
Maidan Participant throughout November- February 2014

Anastasia Melnyk
Espreso TV – Kyiv; Morning Host
Maidan Participant November- Present

Discussant: Larysa Zariczniak Phd candidate in Ukrainian History

UNF Hall – 145 Evans Avenue, Etobicoke, Ontario
Saturday, March 15th, 2014
3:00 pm
Admission is free
Complimentary coffee and tea following the event

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ukraine's Jewish community appeals to Putin

Here we are copying the text of an open letter from Ukrainian Jews to Vladimir Putin. The original is at the link below.

Open letter of Ukrainian Jews to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin

To the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
Mr. President!
We are Jewish citizens of Ukraine: businessmen, managers, public figures, scientists and scholars, artists and musicians. We are addressing you on behalf of the multi-national people of Ukraine, Ukraine’s national minorities, and on behalf of the Jewish community.
You have stated that Russia wants to protect the rights of the Russian-speaking citizens of the Crimea and all of Ukraine and that these rights have been trampled by the current Ukrainian government. Historically, Ukrainian Jews are also mostly Russian-speaking. Thus, our opinion on what is happening carries no less weight than the opinion of those who advise and inform you.
We are convinced that you are not easily fooled. This means that you must be consciously picking and choosing lies and slander from the entire body of information on Ukraine. And you know very well that Victor Yanukovich’s statement used to describe the situation after the latest treaty had been signed – “…Kyiv is full of armed people who have begun to ransack buildings, places of worship, and churches. Innocent people are suffering. People are being robbed and killed in the streets…” – is simply a lie, from the first word to the very last.
The Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine are not being humiliated or discriminated against, their civil rights have not been infringed upon. Meanderings about “forced Ukrainization” and “bans on the Russian language” that have been so common in Russian media are on the heads of those who invented them. Your certainty about the growth of anti-Semitism in Ukraine, which you expressed at your press-conference, also does not correspond to the actual facts. Perhaps you got Ukraine confused with Russia, where Jewish organizations have noticed growth in anti-Semitic tendencies last year.
Right now, after Ukraine has survived a difficult political crisis, many of us have wound up on different sides of the barricades. The Jews of Ukraine, as all ethnic groups, are not absolutely unified in their opinion towards what is happening in the country. But we live in a democratic country and can afford a difference of opinion.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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Archelogical digs in Baturyn Ukraine

Two very interesting lectures on the on-going archelogical digs in Baturyn, the former capital of Hetman Ivan Mazepa will be held on Sunday March 9 and Thursday March 14. The lectures will be delivered by Prof. Volodymyr Mezentzev, who has been conducting annual digs on the Baturyn site for many years now. The posters below have all the information.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Two simple ways to support Ukraine

Thanks to Steve Mazur who forwarded this to us:

Everyone can participate in the campaign against Putin dividing Ukraine and bringing Russian Troops on Ukrainian Territory.

It's simple:

Become A Kiev Maidan Supporter Now!
Simply Make 2 Phone Calls
Or Send 2 Emails

Who do you call or email?


A)   Russian Consulate (416) 962-9911 Press 2 English or Russian, then Option 0 for operator
      Consul General V. N. Pavlov
Business Hours 930 am to 12:30 pm
Russian Passport Service Company
      B)  Invisa Logistics Services Canada Ltd. (416) 479-7386
Business Hours 9 -4:30 pm 
     I’m a Canadian who is upset that President Putin is meddling in Ukrainian politics through economic means, propping an ousted Yanukovich government, using force through Russian Troops in Ukraine. WE WANT HIM TO STOP!
(Applies to phoning and emailing)

Please reply back  to me when calls or emails done so that I can track the buzz we are creating about Ukraine to the Russians.

Send to all Ukrainian community and non-Ukrainians that want to support a free Ukraine and a safer democratic world away from Putins of the world.

Speak Russian or write in Russian for those with skills to do so, if not than English.


Steve Mazur

stevemazur107 -[at]- gmail -(dot)- com