Wednesday, February 23, 2011

UCU financial advice column debuts its third writer

Vlad Karman
Branch Manager, Bloor (Armadale)
In this fourth week that the UCU financial column appears in Meest newspaper, Vlad Karman talks about taking advantage of spousal RRSPs. By the way, for those of you that have not yet heard the news, Vlad has recently moved into his new role of heading up our Bloor Street branch (at Armadale).

If you have any questions about what Vlad is talking about in the article, drop by to see him some time. Or call him at 416-762-6961 x238 or email him at It's not too late yet to make a contribution to your RRSP plan, so Vlad and his branch staff can help you out in this regard as well.

Keep watching for new articles in Meest. We still have a few new authors to introduce to you before we cycle back to our anchor contributor Roman Mlynko, Wealth Management Consultant (that's him in the add over there on the right hand column of this blog).


  1. Possibly the financial advisor could explain to me and others the origin of the mysterious T5 slip from the credit union. My wife received one as well and I have spoken to others that are also in receipt of taxable income of $101.49. I don't believe I had that much money sitting around in my bank account to learn such a high income. Could you please tell us which account has the principal and how we can access this capital that earned such high interest?

  2. Thank you for your comment anonymous. The income tax receipt you received is related to the dividend issued by So-Use Credit Union to all of its members as a result of the merger with Ukrainian Credit Union Limited.

    If you have any questions about this dividend, they will best be answered by one of the employees in our So-Use Division. Please email your name and contact info to and I will provide you with the name and number of the person you should call for answers to any questions you may have.

    All former members of So-Use Credit Union, who were members in good standing at the time of the merger have received this dividend and have been issued tax recepits for all of their accounts at So-Use Credit Union.

    Best Regards,

    Yuriy Diakunchak
    Director of Marketing
