Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Deposit Anywhere coming September 7th to Ukrainian Credit Union!

Introducing Deposit Anywhere.

A new feature on our mobile app, Deposit Anywhere allows you to quickly and securely deposit cheques using our banking app on your smartphone or tablet. That means no more lining up at the bank or ATM to deposit your cheques.


Simply open the app, tap “deposit”, select your account, enter the amount, and take a picture of the front and back of your cheque. Confirm the details and submit. That’s it. The funds immediately appear in your account. Normal hold periods still apply.

Free, Fast & Secure.

Deposit Anywhere is a free service and just as secure as physical cheque cashing. Plus, it’s fast. Most people complete their deposit in less than a minute and can do it from anywhere and at any time, day or night.

Get the app that makes depositing cheques a snap.

Deposit Anywhere will be available September 7th! For more information visit our website HERE for more info.

In the meantime make sure you download our App from:
The App store
Google play store

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Just a couple weeks away is the UCC Independence Day Festival at Centennial Park

Ukrainian Credit Union will be there and don't forget to check out

KOZAK GAMES are coming - Brace Yourselves !
★ Fun Games & Competition for Youth & Kids
★ Kozak Certificates for all participants
★ Prizes for the winners
★ Demonstration of martial arts
★ Master Classes by Ukrainian Champion – Roman Hertz Kovalchuk
Sponsored by: Ukrainian Credit Union Limited
Free of Charge

Check out the Facebook event page below:

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Member Appreciation BBQ!

We will be holding a membership appreciation BBQ! at our Mississauga branch on Saturday August 27.All are welcome, please come and enjoy some good food, great company and maybe win a prize or two! Below are some pictures from previous years!

Even more photos here: Member Appreciation BBQ 2015. We'll be serving food while supplies last so don't come late!

Керівництво з купівлі автомобіля

Svitlana Mazepa
Branch Manager Etobicoke Branch
Серед великих витрат в житті людини купівля авта займає друге місце після купівлі будинку. По-перше, ви повинні вирішити, який автомобіль ви б хотіли купити. Є багато факторів, які треба врахувати, наприклад, марка, модель, колір, витрата пального, надійність, вартість ремонту, але, найголовніше, це ціна. Про ціну треба подумати насамперед, це дозволить вам заощадити багато часу, оскільки ви зможете зосередитися на автомобілях, які вам по кишені.
Купівля нового авта
Коли ви купуєте нове авто, у вас може бути шанс на переговори про ціну. Через високі прибутки, ділери мають певний резерв для зниження ціни нових автомобілів. Якщо ви є гарним переговірником і можете провести цілий день у ділершипі, ви потенційно можете знизити ціну на 1-2 тисячі дол. (до 3 тисяч на авто за 30-40 тис).

Car Buying Guide

Svitlana Mazepa
Branch Manager Etobicoke Branch
When it comes to major expenditures, buying a car ranks as the second most important decision you have to make after purchasing a house. First, you have to decide what car you would like to buy. There are many things to consider such as make, model, colour, performance, price, reliability, repair cost but most importantly, decide on the price. This will save you a lot of time since you can then focus on the cars you know you can afford.
Buying a new car
If you decide to buy a brand new car you can think about negotiating the price. Because of the high profit margins, there is some negotiating room on new cars. If you are a good negotiator and are willing to spend an entire day at the dealership, you can potentially negotiate $1-2K off the price (or perhaps $3k on a 30-40K car).
The best time to buy a new car is either right when the new model comes out (around October) or at the end of the year when most dealerships begin to offer discounts for last year’s models. It’s not just the end of the year that brings discounts. Salespeople are most likely to give you a discount at the end of the day (they want to go home, not argue with you over the price) or at the end of the month or sales quarter as they are trying to reach a target to earn their bonus. They are likely to be more flexible at those times since the bonus might very well be bigger than the discount they are giving you.